The Next Generation Atoxigenic

FourSureTM contains four strains of Aspergillus flavus (A. flavus) that work to protect your corn crop.

Checkoff Dollars at Work

FourSure™ is a Texas Corn Producers product. The state’s checkoff saw the need to mitigate the impact of aflatoxin on the state’s corn crop nearly two decades ago. With this in mind, the Texas Corn Producers Board funded research efforts that ultimately led to the development of the two first generation of atoxigenic products: Afla-Guard® and Prevail (AF 36). FourSure is now available for us on corn in the state to mitigate the impact of aflatoxin on Texas farmers’ crops. Discover more about TCP’s aflatoxin mitigation efforts here.

How It Works

FourSure works by competitive displacement of aflatoxin-producing fungi. It contains living fungi coated onto roasted grain, which serves as both a carrier and a nutrient source.

After application and once the colonized grain is exposed to sufficient moisture, the fungi that serve as active ingredients of FourSure will sporulate. The spores will eventually be spread to the crop by wind and insects in the same manner as aflatoxin-producing fungi are spread.

FourSure Label

FourSureTM Distributors