Texas Corn Producers Association (TCPA) recognizes the hard work and dedication it takes to become an Agriculture Food and Natural Resources (AFNR) educator. TCPA aims to aid students pursuing a career in youth education by giving them an opportunity for financial support during their semester student teaching. TCP’s AFNR Educator Scholarship program awards two students with a $500 scholarship during their student teaching semester at each participating Texas university.

TCPA is excited to announce the recipients of this year’s AFNR Educator Scholarships from Tarleton State University, which is the only participating institution with a fall student teaching block, are:

Hailey McLaughlin

Hailey McLaughlin

McLaughlin is from Devine, Texas, and is student teaching at Hondo High School, in Hondo, Texas, over the course of this semester. McLaughlin noted that being a student teacher in an Agricultural Science Department is a truly unique experience. She says that by student teaching, she will have the opportunity to experience a bit of everything that being an agricultural science teacher entails.

Maegan Carroll

Maegan Carroll

Carroll is from Clute, Texas, and will be spending her semester student teaching in Hico, Texas, at Hico High School. Carroll said the AFNR scholarship will allow her to attend the national FFA convention with her mentor teacher and several students.

Recipients must be a student member of TCP and agree to teach a corn-based lesson during their student teaching assignment.

TCP wishes these students the best in their future endeavors as they go forward and invest in the lives of young agriculturists. TCP knows the impact AFNR teachers goes farther than the classroom and is honored to aid students pursuing a career in this field.

AFNR Educator Scholarships will be available at participating state universities with a spring student teaching block soon. Visit TCP’s AFNR Scholarship page HERE.