Annie’s Project is dedicated to providing educational programs designed to strengthen women’s roles in modern agricultural enterprises. Annie’s Project’s mission is to empower women in agriculture to be successful through education, networks, and resources. The workshop is localized to meet the needs of growing, farming, and ranching operations while developing risk management skills.
DeDe Jones, Senior Extension Program Specialist, will be hosting an Annie’s Project workshop at the Pampa AgriLife Extension Center starting August 8th and running from 5:30pm – 8:30pm every Thursday until September 12, 2024.
CLICK HERE for the event’s brochure with complete details. Weekly program sessions include dinner and feature topics on mental health, financial planning, human resources, farm policy and crop insurance, legal/liability risk, and marketing and production. Seating is limited to 25. For questions regarding event details, please contact DeDe Jones at 806.677.5667 or
Total cost is $75 and includes dinner and educational materials for all of the 6 sessions.
Register online by August 7 at: