From Renewable Fuels Coalition

With the need for a decision only days away, the coalition that successfully won a unanimous court decision against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency continued its call for the agency to not appeal the decision by launching a new social media campaign aimed at encouraging policymakers and the EPA to do the right thing.

The coalition made up of the Renewable Fuels Association, National Corn Growers Association, American Coalition for Ethanol and National Farmers Union, took the EPA to court and won over several exemptions it granted to small refineries, releasing them from their renewable fuel obligations in 2016 and 2017. The Trump administration sought and secured an extension of the appeal deadline until Tuesday, March 24.

“With the renewable fuels industry reeling from coronavirus, trade disputes and small refinery exemptions, now is certainly not the time for the Trump administration to take any action that would cause further pain for ethanol producers or the farmers that supply them,” the coalition said. “The best thing they could do to support our industry and keep ethanol plants open is to announce immediately that they will not appeal.”