On Jan. 8, Texas Corn Producers (TCP) gathered farmers from all around the High Plains for a night of dinner, dancing and conversation. TCP held its second successful Turnrow Tonight at the Cotton Court hotel in Lubbock, Texas.

The night was spent networking with others, beginning at the informative social hour. Farmers, agricultural professionals and others dove into lighthearted and deep conversations over a variety of topics concerning the upcoming growing season, the work of TCP and more.

Bryce White, TCP’s producer relations director, said that the goal of Turnrow Tonight was to provide a night for farmers to relax and engage in delightful conversations with others.

“Turnrow Tonight was a way for farmers to take the night off with neighbors and friends, while also providing an opportunity to learn about TCP efforts and what it does for them,” White said. “We love hosting events that provide the best networking opportunities for everyone, while still being able to enjoy the night.”

Board members and those actively involved in the association encouraged discussion about the efforts of TCP over the past year and future plans to continue checkoff and association advocacy efforts.

Following the social hour, Cameron Wrinkle took the stage and couples led each other out onto the floor and a night of dancing ensued. As conversations dwindled and people left the floor, another successful Turnrow Tonight came to an end.

As we look forward to future Turnrow Tonight events and other networking programs, TCP thanks every person who made this event possible. Stay up to date for more opportunities like this in the future by visiting TexasCorn.org or following TCP on your favorite social media channel.