Results from the 2019 National Corn Yield Contest are in and they will have you sharpening your competitive edge for next year.

The 55-year-old contest is designed to introduce new creations and information that will further progress the corn industry, all while bringing friendly competition to the fields. The growing need for agriculturists to feed, fuel, clothe and shelter the world is ever-growing. This contest introduces another tangible incentive for producers to innovate and improve their crops to creatively boost production per acre to meet those needs.

Farmers have 27 opportunities to win in nine production categories. While there is not an overall contest winner, the biggest harvester in all categories topped out at 616.1953 bushels per acre, which doubled the overall production average.Texas Corn Producers (TCP) congratulates the state and national winners in those competitive categories.

From Texas, first place winners included Todd Kimbrell of Hillsboro in the conventional non-irrigated category with 233.2711 bushels per acre; Brian Fink of Cost in the strip-, min-, mulch, ridge-till non-irrigated category with 174.9076 bushels per acre; And Tommy and Valerie Cartrite of Sunray in the conventional irrigated category harvesting 313.4765 bushels per acre.

Winners will receive recognition in National Corn Growers Association’s (NCGA) Corn Yield Guide, cash trips, or other awards supplied by sponsoring seed, chemical and crop protection companies. Winners are set to be honored during the 2020 Commodity Classic in San Antonio, Texas.

Brandon Hunnicutt, Chair of NCGA’s Engaging Members Committee, touched on the positive impacts this contest has on member engagement and the industry as a whole.

“For many entrants, the National Corn Yield Contest introduces them to NCGA membership for the first time,” Hunnicutt said, “But this is, more often than not, just the initial step in a fulfilling journey. Their involvement and support increases as they discover the extensive range of impactful activities NCGA carries out to create and maintain opportunities for corn farmers. As the contest brings together farmers to create and innovate for the good of the industry, NCGA’s grassroots efforts create positive change and real opportunities by amplifying the impact of each member’s voice as they join together.”

Interested in participating in the 2020 contest? All TCP members are eligible to compete. Complete details are available online HERE.